All tagged characterization
The fascinating element of games like Breath of the Wild, where the player is given almost absolute free reign of the story progression, is the that the line between player and game, between reader and text is blurred to a degree that other mediums could never really offer.
While “shonen” has become shorthand for “action/adventure” outside of Japan, it literally just stands for its target audience: young boys. Would they be able to identify with Kim who fits the expected personality type perfectly?
The use of reflections to symbolize the search of identity is a tale as old as time — wait, wrong movie. It is a timeless device for those struggling to show who they are inside — there we go.
In the world of storytelling, settings are as countless as the stories they serve as backdrop to because, even if a group of stories is set in the same city, for example, cities are not homogenous.
The concept of archetypes and their use in storytelling — especially in contemporary times — has been a hotly debated topic.
To those familiar with the medium, it is clear that Fence naturally falls into the category of what is commonly known as “sports anime.”
The newest members of the Samwell men’s hockey team - Hops, Bully, and Louis - had been slowly introduced in previous chapters as side and background characters. It isn’t until “Haze by Hazewest” that they are given names and a proper introduction as the story focuses on their hazing.