Black Key Incubus, written by Jamie Schleisman and illustrated by Daryl Toh, tells the story of Norman, a young witch-in-training with a chip on his shoulder. His desire to prove his skills to himself and others leads him to summoning a demon, Caliban, and contractually binding him to help Norman find true love. Little does Norman know that not only is Caliban in the middle of a tournament to find the new ruler of Hell, but that also Caliban has quickly discovered that Norman is his actual soulmate. Despite the disapproval from Norman’s coven and the ever-pressing tension of Caliban’s duty as the crown prince of hell, Norman and Cal throw caution to the wind and allow themselves to be happy for once.
I was definitely fanboying for a good chunk of my chat with Jamie, but how could I not? Black Key Incubus really resonated with me, and it was my absolute privilege to have such a frank (and fun!) conversation with its creator about its unapologetically queer nature. In conclusion, this comic has everything.
2:00 - That one English teacher
8:20 - The origin of Black Key Incubus
18:30 - Working with Daryl Toh
30:18 - Influences in Black Key Incubus (and the state of anime)
30:56 - The unapologetic queerness of Black Key Incubus
44:45 - Cardcaptor Grandma
51:00 - The realness of gay sex and relationship dynamics
58:25 - Pick a struggle, Liam.
1:02:25 - Characters and storytelling
1:07:50 - The future of Black Key Incubus