Chroma Key by Brandon Dumas is the story of five teenagers with attitude that are chosen to save the world from an imminent alien invasion. Kim, April, Fuchsia, Parker, and Emily are all childhood friends with a shared love for the Super Fighting Mighty Fighters, a cheesy live-action television show featuring color-coded superheroes in spandex fighting rubber-suited monsters. After years of slowly drifting apart, the group finds themselves recruited by Luna, an alien refugee, who tasks them with defeating the bloodthirsty Uoari. The group must now defend the earth while reconciling their shattered friendship.
Brandon and I talk at length about their inspiration behind Chroma Key, what influenced its characters, and the challenges that many comic creators face. In between the “serious” stuff, we also chat about the awesome absurdity of Power Rangers and Super Sentai, tumblr deep magic, and so much more.
1:11 - Inspiration behind Chroma Key
16:26 - Kim
29:45 - April
35:05 - Parker
45:54 - Fuchsia
52:27 - Emily
1:04:00 - Future of Chroma Key and the challenges of publishing